Faith at Culver

One of my biggest concerns coming to Culver was whether or not I’d be able to find a place to practice my faith, whether it was a church or a service or even a Bible study.

On my first Sunday here (last week), I visited a church called Grace United Church of Christ. It was a very small church with less than 30 people attending. Everyone was very welcoming and intentional about trying to get to know me. While the service itself was quite short and didn’t have much theological depth, I still found the church quite lovely and so I returned this week. Once again, short service but still quite nice.  This week I also went to the school’s Protestant service.  To my dismay, it was a very similar service to the church I had just attended.  I’m told it does get more in depth in the future, though these days I find myself praying and worshiping on my own.

Yesterday I started doing devotionals again, which for those who know my well, has always been a struggle.  For some perspective I’ve been trying to read the entire Bible since Jan of 2016 and I’m only up to Exodus 2. Yesterday, I read Matthew 24 however, through the InterVarsity Daily Bible Study site. The passage talked about finding the source of security in times of hardship, crisis and even just confusion. As I read it, I felt like God forcing His way through my doubts, my unease, my lack of comfort and reminding me of my anchor in Him. That the tether I have with Him is what will keep me grounded, what will protect me, and what will allow me to push through. As I struggle to find my purpose here and how I can better serve Him, I’m reminded that every interaction I have, especially with different people, is a way of witnessing and testifying. By having conversations, building relationships and modeling the life of Christ, I can serve Him.

One thought on “Faith at Culver

  1. Reading the Bible by yourself is really hard and can be confusing at times. I really would strong suggest that you use the plans in the app to help you read. Most plans start with a devotional which set the stage for the passages of the day. You are reading the Bible to be nourished with God’s Words. Pastor Mike Vander Pol always said being a Christian is a journey, and it takes time. He always said that it’s a journey where you take three steps forward and two steps back. So, be encouraged and pursue God with all of your heart.

    If you like, let me know if you start a new Bible plan and we can do it together.

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